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Beauty July 03, 2020 SHARE

Care for your hair every step of the way

I don’t understand the weather these days. A few days of rain is followed by dry, hot days. Aside

Beauty February 01, 2019 SHARE

This is how you can perfect that beachy hair look

One of my favorite hairstyles is the beach wave. It gives hair the right volume and exudes casual

Beauty September 20, 2018 SHARE

My Current Haircare Favorites

When it comes to my hair, I have five products that I’ve been using lately that I want to

Beauty February 19, 2017 SHARE

This Shampoo Cleans Hair without Water

I’ve been looking for products that can effectively manage my hair and also cut down on my salon

Beauty February 07, 2017 SHARE

Your Bad Hair Day Now Has a Solution

A few weeks ago were a breeze—for me and well, for my hair. The good folks at Dyson Supersonic

Beauty December 23, 2016 SHARE

Treat Your Damaged Hair Before the Big Christmas Reunion

Everybody talks about makeup and preening themselves up with glittery outfits, forgetting that one