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Beauty June 28, 2023 SHARE

SCENT SENSE: Valaya evokes the sensual cotton on the skin

It’s been years since there has been any activity on this website…  Hello again! In all

Beauty August 30, 2021 SHARE

What’s the best luxury facial oil for your skin type?

If you’ve been reading my column closely, you’ll notice how I like to keep my topics connected

Beauty February 05, 2021 SHARE

A simple guide on how to find the foundation shade that works for you

This week I want to tackle a question that gets asked a lot: how to know your right foundation

Beauty July 03, 2020 SHARE

Care for your hair every step of the way

I don’t understand the weather these days. A few days of rain is followed by dry, hot days. Aside

Beauty September 06, 2019 SHARE

Uncovering Miranda Kerr’s Ultimate Beauty Secret

Among the many, many celebrity-owned beauty brands out there, I’m having a moment with Kora

Beauty September 02, 2019 SHARE

VIDEO: Unboxing Crystalized Shimmer Drops, Books, Comfy Flats and more!

Every now and again, I find myself almost drowning in press kits and gifts. It’s one perk of