The 8 simple things I do to ease the work-from-home life

Beauty / March 27, 2020

Those of us lucky enough to be able to work from home are not spared from the emotional turmoil of our current situation.

A routine that’s broken puts us on an emotional rollercoaster. Worrying about our family and loved ones gets very real, especially as we follow the news.

I’ve learned to cope by doing small things that give a sense of normalcy. They’re not big tasks, as the pressure to do something amazing while indoors can also be counterproductive.

#1 Swipe on some lipstick

Lipstick for us ladies can always be something that infuses confidence. I believe that this is also a kind of affirmation of yourself. It’s also a bit of self-care especially if your chosen lip product imparts moisture.

#2 Stretch

Even if you don’t workout, it helps to stretch first thing when you wake up to get your blood flowing. Do some simple ones in the morning and remember to not overdo it. It also helps you integrate a healthy habit every morning—something good to carry on, moving forward.

#3 Get some sun

Never underestimate the need for vitamin D. It helps regulate mood. So if you have a small area in your house where you can stand or walk while the sun is out, do it. Just remember that the sun isn’t friendly from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will damage the skin if you go out between these hours.

#4 Do a hair mask

If you’ve never had the time to do it, you can definitely take a few more minutes to do your deep-conditioning hair mask. Some require 10 minutes at least, others can be left in your hair and scalp for longer. Just don’t forget to wear a shower cap!

#5 Fix one drawer

Decluttering is a must-do but can intimidating. I suggest starting small—with one drawer. Choose your favorite one full of pretty or favorite things. You’ll feel accomplished and get a sense of motivation. If you manage to do one drawer a day, the next thing you know, you’ve done your whole storage.

#6 Spritz on a scent

I know it may be odd, but don’t hesitate to still put on your favorite scent. Scents are known to uplift your spirit and put a little spring in your step. If you’ve been planning to find a new scent among the collection you have available at home, this is the time to do so.

#7 Eat fresh

If possible, always try to eat some fresh fruits once a day. Consider it a treat with those vitamins you get. I like to store them in the fridge or to create simple popsicle treats to cool me down during these warm days.

#8 Hug someone

For as long as you and the people in your house have been stringent in following the guidelines, don’t forget to give out a hug. The comfort it brings helps you and the receiver, and is something you both will need as the days go by.